onsdag 25. november 2015

Most expensive apartment compound in Shanghai

Most luxurious compounds in Shanghai

There are a couple of really expensive compounds in Shanghai. It´s a city filled with money, fame and expensive apartments. A lot of people have given Shanghai the name "China´s New York" due to a increased international community.

I have now lived in Shanghai two years myselves (in Zhongshan Park) and feel that I pay too much money each month. But I´m not even close to some of the rich people´s life style in Shanghai.
But the most expensives one are (naturally) placed in and around Lujiazui financial centre.

Three of the most expensive compounds in the hottest city in China are:

Ocean One/Frasier Residence

A great compound with luxurious view over the mighty Huangpu River. Well...just look at the pictures and you understand why this is a very expensive compound.

You would get a five bedroom apartment here for around 80,000 yuan each month. Not bad.

A large green garden surrounds the beauty of this compound, making it a very popular choice for people who enjoy being close to both the nature and the large buildings owned by multinational companies. They would also need to have a thick wallet (/company budget) based on the prices this apartment compound operates with.

Some of the properties in Ocean One is said to be owned by the richest men in China, but the compound keeps all the residents names anonymous due to security reasons.

Shimao Riviera Garden

Another compound that is placed in the Lujiazui area is called Shimao Riviera Garden. A well-placed service compound apartment with a lot of international expats.

It contains an amazing indoor swimming pool, excellent view and management that are willing to do ANYTHING (well, almost...) for you at any time. Doesn´t it sound good?

Well. You probably can´t afford it.

However, the prices here aren´t "too wild". You would get an apartment with three bedrooms for around 40,000 RMB. It is not everyone that will be spending forty thousand RMB on housing each month, but for expats living with their family nearby their working place...why not?

The compound is very popular among Indians coming to Shanghai. Rich Indians.

Lakeville Regency

Another compound not too far away from the Former French Concession is called Lakeville Regency. It is said to have the best gym facilities in all of Shanghai, but a membership is not cost-free (around 8000 RMB/year).

I have visited this apartment compound once as my friend was lucky enough to have an apartment here sponsored by his company for a short time. One word: AMAZING.

If you can´t enjoy your life in Lakeville Regency, you are doomed. You will never enjoy your life - believe me. Just imagine all of us poor students that live in apartments to 3000 RMB/month.

I was literally blown away by all the luxurious furniture that was to be found inside the apartments. Large lamps made of small diamonds hanging from the roof, beds worth more than 100,000 RMB and sofas so comfortable you would never get to the super-expensive gym unless you have extreme self-control. I mean....EVERYTHING was there.

The average apartment in this compound is around 30,000-45,000 RMB/month.

And yet - this is not the most expensive apartment compound in Shanghai. It tells a lot about this city.

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